Financial Info


Each year the District prepares a detailed operating budget covering the fiscal period between July 1st and June 30th. This document includes comprehensive revenue projections and summarizes the anticipated operating and capital expenditures for the year. The budget is reviewed and approved by the District Board of Directors following a public review process.

Fiscal Year 2024/2025
Fiscal Year 2023/2024
Fiscal Year 2022/2023
Fiscal Year 2021/2022 
Fiscal Year 2020/2021 
Fiscal Year 2019/2020 
Fiscal Year 2018/2019 
Fiscal Year 2017/2018 

Financial Audits

Annually, the District engages an independent firm to prepare and audit the financial statements of the agency in accordance with Federal Government Auditing Standards. The audited financial statements include additional information compiled by District staff to qualify the final document as an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.


Fiscal Year 2022/2023

Fiscal Year 2021/2022
Fiscal Year 2020/2021
Fiscal Year 2019/2020
Fiscal Year 2018/2019
Fiscal Year 2017/2018

Outstanding Bond Debt

In November 2012 the District completed a successful municipal bond sale. Approximately $11.3 million in existing debt was refinanced in this transaction. The original revenue bonds were issued to pay for a major treatment plant upgrade in the early 1990’s and the 2025 maturity date was not extended. Concurrent with the refinancing, the District issued $4.5M in new long term bond debt to partially fund another significant capital project. The District’s AA- S&P rating, and good market timing, allowed us to realize and effective borrowing rate of just under 2.6%.  Additional information is available at the following links:

2012 Wastewater Revenue Bonds – Official Statement

Private Placement Loan

In December 2020, the District completed a public financing transaction with J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. to finance its Administration Building Replacement Project.  The Board authorized the $4M financing with adoption of Resolution No. R-342.  The financing, which closed successfully on December 18, 2020, resulted in a fixed interest rate of 1.77 percent over a 15-year term, with annual debt service payments of approximately $300,000.

Private Placement Loan Agreement

State Controller's Office Reports

The District provides a report to the State Controller’s Office each year with detailed information on the compensation provided to each of its 18 employees and its 5 Board members. Compensation data for the District and local governmental agencies across the State can be viewed on the Government Compensation in California website.

Annual Sewer Service Charges



Low Pressure Surcharge

